Spiky and Flat Dynamic Profiles
Dynamic profiles are central to the field specialization process. Runtime profiles are used in the first five steps in the Field...

Field Specialization: Reusable and Independent
Field specialization has two especially helpful attributes. First, specializations are reusable across queries. Second, specializations...

Field specialization is simple to apply
Field specialization applies to hotspots at the routine level and sometimes even to short code segments within a routine. As an example,...

Workloads and Specializations: A Surprising Interaction
This is like a koan: the performance benefits from field specialization are simultaneously independent of workloads used to generate that...

Continuous Field Specialization
While working with our customers, one common question we receive is the following: Is field specialization applied once and will it...

Field specialization can be applied to both legacy and new code
As we work with our customers on their ever-evolving code bases, we find that new features and components added to these code bases often...

Field specialization comes in many guises
We have developed many types of specialization techniques, in three basic categories: Some eliminate unnecessary instruction execution at...

Adding spiffs exposes further specialization opportunities
The first step of applying field specialization is to look for runtime hotspots with profiling tools. Once field specialization is...

Field Specialization and the Cloud: A Great Combination
Field specialization and cloud applications go well together, in four advantageous ways. First, field specialization speeds up DBMSes and...

How big are spiffs, anyway?
Recall that a spiff is code added to the DBMS source that, given values of invariants known in cold code, generate specialized code...